Monday, 2 July 2012

Meet the Chickens

Meet the girls! These photos were taken when the chickens were about 8 weeks old. They hatched mid-March, and Miss Nandhra took them home over the Easter Holidays. We were then fortunate enough to have them at the weekends until they were old enough to go out of doors into their Eglu.

This is Kevin on the left. We are not sure why she is called Kevin, but the names were all chosen by the children. The chickens lived in an old chest of drawers in the Junior Hall when they were tiny and the children took it in turns to sit in circles and have the chicks running about! Kevin has slightly darker feathers than the others, so is quite easy to pick out. This fine creature on the right is Big Stuff. She has lighter feathers than the others, and a much paler face. She's also a bit bigger than the others.

On the left we have Chickadee. She's a bit shy, and is a medium sized beautiful brown hen. The balancing circus chicken is Eggward. She used to have a very cute bonnet of chick-fluff which hung on for ages after the others had lost theirs. She enjoys climbing and would often stand on the back of our garden bench. 

And finally... on the left is Fifi. She is about the same colour and size as Eggward and Chickadee, but has a darker coloured beak. She LOVES shiny things. We could hypnotise her with the beautiful red keyring! But she pecks shiny things too, so you have to watch out. In the last picture Miss Nandhra is putting the chickens into their new home. They were a bit nervous hopping out of their crate but they all made it out and started exploring.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

CHICKS! - Fundraising Update and Local News

OMG Cute Overload!! Make sure you pop into the Junior School hall to have a look at the chicks. The school has 11 chicks at today's date. They all hatched out this week. Just in case you can't make it, here's a photo from my roving reporter...

A big thank you to everyone who came to the Stillness Christmas Fair. It was organised jointly with FOSI and with our 50:50 profit-share policy each PTA made a profit of £1,975.96.

We would welcome any suggestions for suitable projects or purchases for SCA to support, and have asked for suggestions from the children through the school newspaper. A copy of this will be available for children to read in their classrooms. The newspaper is run by pupils in yr6 for the rest of the school. If you'd like to propose any ideas please email us at

SHOP LOCAL - News...

If you came to the Christmas Fair you may have sampled the very tasty bread made by local baker Cooper's Bakehouse. He is now selling bread from the Bakehouse in Pat-a-Cakes opposite Crofton Park station. Fresh from 12.00 Tuesday-Friday and early on Saturday. Have a look at their website HERE.

It's well worth a visit to Pat-A-Cakes as the cakes are fantastic. Stacie (who hid when I was taking the photo!) bakes them herself, and runs a children's party service too. The coffee is really great too.  The shop is opposite the Co-Op in Crofton Park. She is working on the garden at the back which will soon be finished so customers can sit outside.

Date for your Diary: The Stillness Summer Fair has been set for Saturday 30th June 2012.